The premiere of our animated series PETRONELLA APPLEWITCH on KiKA, one of Germany’s prominent tv stations for children, met with huge success. The first 26 episodes about charming Applewitch Petronella and her small and big friends aired daily during primetime at 6:35 pm, starting October 10th and reaching up to 68.9 % of 3-5-year-olds and 46.7 % of 6-9-year-olds.* Since November 8th the little witch has also been casting her imaginative spells on ZDF every Sunday. The series was extensively featured online with episodes and bonus material on the websites, HbbTV and apps of ZDF and KiKA. It achieved high VoD ratings (700.000 views via KiKA alone) and reached, among others, the online top 10 on KiKA (1st place on KiKA HbbTV).
*Data: AGF Videoforschung in collaboration with GfK; VIDEOSCOPE 1.4, 11/10/2020-06/12/2020