In their general meeting last week in Annecy, the members of Animation in Europe (European federation of animation producers organizations) confirmed Akkord Film’s CEO Dirk Beinhold as Vice Chairman. The new board for the next two years represents a diversity of members, including the three other vice Chairpersons, Moe Honan (Moetion Film – Ireland), Pablo Jordi (Pikkukala – Finland), and Ivan Agenjo (Peekaboo Animation – Spain). Philippe Alessandri (Watch Next Media – France) continues as Chairman.
With its call for more European animation productions on streaming platforms, Animation in Europe caused quite a stir in the media during this year’s MIFA, as well as in Kidscreen, C21Media, Cartoon Brew and many more publications.
Animation in Europe (founded in 2016) additionally announced the new membership of Estonia, Greece, and Portugal, bringing its total to 20 European member countries (including the UK).