The General Assembly of Animation in Europe, the federation of European Animation Producer Associations, elected its board for the next two years during its annual meeting at MIFA in Annecy last week. The following candidates, who bring together an extensive range of TV, movie, production and distribution experience, were elected to the board: Philippe Alessandri (Watch Next Media – France) as Chairman, Annemie Degryse (Lumiere Publishing/ Lunanime – Belgium) as Treasurer and Moe Honan (Moetion Films – Ireland), Dirk Beinhold (Akkord Film Produktion GmbH – Germany) and Tom van Waveren (CAKE – Netherlands) will serve as Vice Chairs. Mar Sáez Pedrero (PRO-ANIMATS – Spain) was subsequently asked to continue as General Secretary. We are very proud of being elected and congratulate the other board members!